Location: Candler NC
Program: Water Well Trust (WWT) with funding from USDA’s Household Waster Well Systems (HWWS) Grant program
When: July 2018
Who: Homeowner’s Association
The Holly Ridge subdivision in Candler, NC was developed in 1990 in three phases with four wells serving 29 lots. Over the years, the well houses and well equipment have fallen into severe disrepair, and the 24 households served by these wells — including 45 adults and 18 minor children — are unable to pay for replacement well systems.
Program: WWT/HWWS (100%)
Amount funded
Repairs were made to three of the wells and the fourth was decommissioned as it was no longer viable. It was estimated it would cost almost $3.2M to run public water lines to these homes, so a cost savings of 99%.